Friday, January 21, 2011

Once Again I am...

Everyday you see I child being bored.
I don't know why?
And I don't even know why I'n writing this post.
Maybe I'm bored...
Well if you are bored go to this link: CLICK HERE!

I'm bored :DD

Monday, January 17, 2011


HELLOOOOOO everyone!

I am back from Nz............

I am here to say... Hi!



Hello my name is Nicholas the creator of this blog. I am 10 years old. I was born here in New Zealand.I love going to my school! But sadly I'm moving to Australia! The subjects I love are maths, reading, writing and P.E.

The posts I will always write will be my learning, the things I like or dislike and the things that are important to me.

The hobbies I like doing are swimming, drawing, badminton, math, hockey, hand ball, volleyball and dancing.

Thank you for reading this and enjoy the other posts I wil be doing later. Bye!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Game Over.

Hey everyone.
Today was the last day to vote.
So if you voted YAY for you.
Because you've recived cake!
Hahahaha just jokes.

The results have been cleared.
I am now going to........................................................................................

Bye everyone!

Nicholas signing off! :DD

Monday, December 27, 2010


Hey everyone.

This is just for you to remember to vote if I should
Quit blogging?
Or should I not.

Remember guys!
If you vote you get a piece of cake!
You  guys have about 3 more day.



Sunday, December 26, 2010

Gone for a Month

Yesterday, I flew here to Australia.
I remember when I went to the taxi and went into the plane. 
I hadn't slept for 12 hours.
I wasn't sleepy at all!

We reached Australia. 
When got out of the plane, we had to get an umbrella from the umbrella bin. 
We ran all the way to the entrance.
We got all our luggage x-ray.

My uncles and aunt had arrived.
We got into the car and waited.
I was a little bit sleepy.
But I did not sleep.

We reached our house. 
Inside the house was packed with my cousins and aunts and uncles. 
I was so EXCITED.

Hopefully I will have a fun adventure in AUSTRALIA!

REMEMBER EVERYONE! VOTE! -------------------------------------------------->

Friday, December 24, 2010

Gone For a Month

Today were off to Australia for my Parents 25th Anniversary.
Were going to Australia on  Christmas Day.                                                   
We have to wake up at about 3:00 because our taxi comes at 4:00.
Our Plane comes at 6:00.
Hopefully our plane will be Emirates!
Honestly I cant be bothered doing a post,
So I'm just gonna say random stuff.
But I will tell you all the information when I'm actually in Australia
Remember everyone,                                                                                                
Vote if I should keep on blogging or should I not.     ---------------------------------------->